Friday, January 10, 2020

Blog Post #5 - Genevieve's Story of the Seed - Elena

My response:
When reflecting on what my team has done and experienced during the year for our story of the seed project we have came to many interesting conclusions.  In our experiment we tested different levels of acidity trough different vinegars to see if the growth of broccoli plant would change.
Through our experiment I have learned that acidity levels doin fact have an effect on the growth of plants.  Giving a broccoli seed vinegar has shown to have a great affect on the plants germination and growth.  All of the plants that we gave vinegar to, in different amounts and types, none of the acidic based plants grew or even germinated.  This made us come to the conclusion that a broccoli plant and likely other plants will only survive and have the best results through very low acidic water.
I found this surprising.  Even when giving the broccoli plant very little of the vinegar types the plant still didn't grow.  I hypothesized that the plant would have grown slower and would have been stunted in it's growth. It was frustrating that only our control plants grew because it made our experiment come to a fast end after seeing that none of our actual test subjected plants were going to grow.  

Genevieve's response:
In Genevieve's experiment her group decided to grow cabbage.  They tested the cabbage with four different liquid types including water, sparkling water, sprite, and vinegar.  their goal in the experiment was to see if the growth and germination of the cabbage seeds would be affected when given different watering sources.  In the end she learned that the sparkling water was the best. source of watering.  The sparkling water given plant was the plant that grew the fastest.  It surprised her that the sparkling water given plant was the faster growing plant and that it worked so well.  They also ended with the conclusion that giving soda to plants and vinegar wasn't sufficient.  Both the soda and vinegar given plants never grew.

In a way I can relate to her experiment because we also gave our plants vinegar, and the vinegar plants died.

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Blog Post 7- Audrey Malone